Red Stan, My Short Dalliance

Created by Dave 10 years ago
Red Stan reveals his past to Dave, 2013 I worked for Lucas in 1950. I was at the main Lucas plant at first. By then I had become a communist. There were a lot of commies in 1950, even Nye Bevan, the Labour Deputy Prime Minister was a communist. He started the National Health Service under the Attlee Government and introduced free healthcare for all. My comrade was crafty, he got others to do subversive things while he stayed anonymous and undercover. I was with a gang, and our comrade had us well organised..One day we,our gang, managed to push a lorry over. After that I was singled out as a communist and Lucas, put me on permanent nights. I had to leave because of that, that is what they wanted. I went to their Foremans Road branch after the 'incident', also as a toolmaker. Soon after starting we went on strike there because they had sacked someone. Susan was born 15th August 1950, the same day as royalist Princess Anne.